
I bought a magazine!

Its been a few days since the last update, mainly because nothing very interesting has happened in my life! yesterday was a more interesting day, firstly I bought a copy of PC Format magazine, the first one since Christmas 2002! thought that I should see how things have changed, since I regularly spam, I mean post on their forums. Don’t know why I stopped buying it really, as it’s a really good read. Later in the day, I went to see RX Bandits, along with Two Day Rule (again), Loggerhead, and 69 Reasons Why at the Phoenix, and what a kick ass gig it was, I drank too much again, 20 bottles of Fosters, well I spent £20 and only drunk bottles, so by simple mathematics, at £1 per bottle, I must have drunk 20 bottles. Really must stop staying for after gig drinks, really bad idea, especially the morning after.

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