
Eurovision + Maxine Carr

It’s that time of the year again, time to get out the industrial strength ear defenders, yes, that’s right, it’s Eurovision time again, more dodgy songs, more dodgy stage costumes, more dodgy fans pretending to enjoy the music on offer, and yes I will be glued to the television watching it. I haven’t missed a single Eurovision Song Contest in 15 years, why do I watch it with such dedication, two words for you, Terry Wogan. His blatant piss take of the contestants keeps me more than amused for the 3 hours it’s on. Do we think that Europe is still pissed off with the UK about Iraq, lets face it, we didn’t get a single vote because of it, despite Gemini (I think they were called that) having a terrible performance, there were still worse performances on offer, can anyone say political vote? OK I’ll shut up about it now, but one last word! I hope that James whathisface from Fame Academy doesn’t win, as he has promised to do a streak if he does!

Maxine Carr, ex-girlfriend of Ian Huntley is to be released on parole (and get this) in secrecy, newspapers and TV are not allowed to print or broadcast any information about her whereabouts or identity according to a court order served. How do the courts expect her to remain unidentified when 90% of the adult population will be very familiar with her face, since she was plastered all over the television and print news for months, in fact it had a picture on the BBC website on the very article that I learnt about this story. Although she never committed the murders of Jessica and Holly, she concealed the truth from police, so she is as guilty as Huntley himself in my opinion and should serve out the rest of her sentence in prison. My opinions on the British legal system is well known, prosecute and harass innocent people or people that have committed minor crimes and murderers literally get away with murder.

OK, I will shut up now, before I get myself into trouble!

Oh, one more thing before I go, its amazing how quickly you get used to a faster Internet connection speed, I was upgraded to 1.5Mb a few days ago, and I have gotten used to it already. I am currently downloading a 664MB Half-Life video from Fileplanet and I am downloading at 92KB/Sec, and I am thinking, its only 92KB/Sec, which 2 years ago would be in dreamland speeds for me, I would have been over the moon if I managed 6KB/Sec, theoretically my maximum speed now is 192KB/sec, so you can see why I say its ONLY 92KB/Sec.

Currently listening to: Lost Prophets – Fake Sound Of Progress

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