
Women and Make-up

Why on Earth do women check their make-up at every possible opportunity, I say this because on the aforementioned trip down to Cornwall, Steve’s sister, Toni checked her make-up no less than 5 times in a 2 hour period, spending an average of 5 minutes each time making ‘adjustments’. It baffles me, can make up really change that much, or wear off that quickly, or is it that women are inherently vain people. Although, not all women are like that, which is good, as I prefer the natural look, without a ‘painted’ face on. I can understand wanting to look the best that you can, but checking the way you look every 20 minutes is just silly.

Oh yeah, and Ronnie O’Sullivan did win the LG Electronics world snooker championship at the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield, with a 10 frame margin, winning the match 18 – 8, and walking away with £82,500, not bad for two weeks work eh?

Currently listening to: Kylie Minogue Vs New Order – Can’t get you out of my head on a blue Monday (live at the Brits) (blimey that’s a long title).

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