To start my new job in Derrys, I will start at 9:30am this very morning, less than 9 hours away. Oddly I am more nervous of starting the job than I ever was going to the Interview as odd as it sounds. I don’t doubt my ability to do the job, as its straightforward, guess its more nerves about fitting in with the rest of the people there as this is a completely new direction for me, always worked in a small office environment before this, hence why I wasn’t nervous in the interview as I didn’t expect to get the job, let alone be offered the job in the interview! Anyway, I shall report back when I get home tomorrow on how things went, hopefully I can report that it went well!
Now time for a rant, Humberside police authority have allowed David Westwood back to his job as police chief constable, but is being forced into taking early retirement on 30th March 2005 at the age of 55 by home secretary, David Blunkett. All this is over the Ian Huntley situation, where records of previous offences (which weren’t proven) were deleted allowing him to get a job in a school, and subsequently murder two schoolgirls. It seems to me that he is being made a scapegoat for government cock-ups, he only enforced the laws passed down by the government, but it’s never the government’s fault is it, of course not! I think if anyone should be given the boot it should be the government cabinet, leading from the top down, fuckin’ hypocrites, I really hope that Labour get voted out next election!
It seems that Ferrari president Luca di Montezemolo has been throwing his weight around, threatening to quit Formula One if they don’t get more money, stating “Ferrari are a small company” ahem, anyone heard of FIAT? So what if Bernie Ecclestone takes 50% of the takings, it’s his company, he can do what he wants, Ferrari get plenty of money from sponsorship and other revenue streams. They are hardly a poor team, as they pay Michael Schumacher more than one million dollars per race, plus bonuses. If they want to leave Formula One, do it, and don’t make idle threats, I think Formula One will be a better sport if Ferrari weren’t there calling the shots, if you don’t know what I mean, how many times does a decision by the FIA go against the Italian team? I rest my case!