Well, yesterday I laid my cards on the table with Working Links, and the reaction I got surprised me immensely. I was expecting to be referred back to the Jobcentre for not towing the line, but that didn’t happen. I was reassured that it wasn’t a reflection on me; it was just a misunderstanding between parties, i.e. myself and my advisor, as I do tend to be a little submissive and just go with the flow sometimes. They took all my comments onboard and will use that for future reference, as no-one has really written a structured argument like I did before. Anyway, I have applied for the job as ‘pot washer’ in Derrys department store, not the ideal job, but a job is a job, and its better than signing on, plus it still gives me time to develop my real interests, web design and photography, so it was a decent result all round, just keeping my fingers crossed now that I get it!
In other news, my web/mail space provider, 1&1 Internet has upped my space to 2GB from 1.5GB and doubled my bandwidth transfer to 20GB per month for no extra cost. All this is great as my concerns about bandwidth usage has now been put on the back burner, and I can concentrate on building the Phoenix Live site up and promoting it more. I am already getting an average of 600 unique hits per day, which is up from about 150 hits on the old web-space, its popularity has literally exploded in recent months. I never dreamed when I started this project 12 months ago, it would become this popular.