
It’s my birthday

And I don’t have any money, so won’t be going out to celebrate it, which may actually be a good thing as it’s pissing down with rain here in Plymouth. I get paid on Friday; so will be celebrating on Saturday night as I am not going out on Friday for the simple reason that I can’t face another day of work with a hangover, my job isn’t hangover compatible unfortunately. But work was a little bizarre today, but nice at the same time, the staff sang happy birthday to me, gave me a card and a mini cake with 2 candles, does that mean that I am two? It was rather embarrassing, I’m don’t like taking praise at the best of time, but that’s my hang-ups, but it did give me a warm feeling, knowing that the people I work with actually care enough to get me a card, as no-one else did, all my friends and family totally forgot about my birthday, despite my many hints in their direction!

In other news, it seems that the George Bush’s personal website is blocked to people outside of the US. Now my take on this is that, as the BBC said, “The blocking does not appear to be due to an attack by vandals or malicious hackers, but as a result of a policy decision by the Bush camp.” Which says to me that he doesn’t want Americans overseas to be able to vote, specifically the US Military, who for the most part, said that they wouldn’t vote for Bush in this election. So much for democracy eh? Personally I really hope that John Kerry can win the election and get that idiot Bush out before he does even more damage to international relations, lets face it, would you vote for someone that said “more and more of our imports are coming in from overseas”; I rest my case!!!

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