When I arrived home this evening a letter from Plymouth City Council greeted me, and what it said almost made me fall off my chair. It said that my council tax bill for the next 12 months would be £747, are they fucking insane, £62 per month for a one bedroom flat. I am going to query the bill, no way in hell am I paying that amount of money to the council, they don’t really do anything for me, well, with the exception of refuse collection, I know so much goes towards the police and such, but that amount is ridiculous, not that I can afford it anyway. If they insist that it is the correct amount, they will have to take me to court as I simply don’t have the money, and they can means test me. The only way I could afford it would be to cancel my internet connection, telephone and TV packages, but I am not going to do that, why should I live a shit life because of the greedy bureaucrats.