Last night I decided to go out to the Quay Club down at the Barbican (if you don’t live in Plymouth, you wont have clue of what I am talking about). Anyway, I arrived down there at about 11:30pm, after leaving the Phoenix, which was also a rather good night (got some brilliant pictures, with my new toy). Also immediately after walking through the door, I bumped into a few friends, so had a chat with them, then moved upstairs to get a drink, then I bump into some more people I know, anyway you get the idea, it seems that nearly everyone I know was there last night. It was good to catch up with everyone really, but it was hard to talk to everyone. I even sort-of know the DJ through the Phoenix (he judged one of the Battle of the Bands rounds) I asked him to play Paschendale by Iron Maiden (which happens to be my favourite song), he said he would play it, but I knew realistically that he wouldn’t! and he didn’t, DJ’s don’t like to veer off the beaten track too much (so to speak) and stick to playing the tried and tested songs. If I had arrived earlier he may have played it, as DJ’s tend to play ‘different’ material early in the night to gauge the response of the crowd. Oh well, that’s life; I probably would have done the same in his place, got to keep the masses happy. Anyway, it was a good night out; it’s the first time that I have enjoyed myself in a club in ages, although my wallet and bank balance is a lot poorer because of it!