That’s all that has been going around in my head today, cheers Phil and Mark for putting that song in my head again. People must have thought that I was mad singing to myself all day. I was in a really good mood at work today, mainly because the toothache has almost subsided, only the occasional mild pain now, instead of the constant throbbing pain. I bought some Nurofen Plus yesterday, and boy do these things work, stopped the pain within 15 minutes, and cleared up the hangover I had as well, they are quite expensive, £5.20 for 24 tablets, but its money well spent, much better than Anadin. Right, I suppose I best tell my avid readers how the hangover came about; it involves the Phoenix (is anyone actually surprised by this fact?) and a line clean, which meant lots of free beer, unfortunately I was the only one drinking it, so I ended up with six pints, and it took me about two hours to get through them, then for some bizarre reason I bought more, I should have stopped there considering I had work early in the morning. But here’s the excited bit, The Levellers were playing next door in The Academy, and the band came into the Phoenix for a few after hours drinks. How cool is it to have a huge name in music like that come into the Phoenix, Got to love this rock n’ roll lifestyle! Anyway, I eventually got home at just before 2am, caught a taxi home, was far too drunk to walk, but I don’t mind the hangover as it was a good night out, hangovers don’t seem so bad when you have had a good night to show for it, but I will be staying home, taking it easy tonight.