
Ooh-ah, New Toy!

Just found out that I am doing the sound at the Phoenix again tomorrow, so more useful money in my pocket, and even better than that the Phoenix has a new sound desk (well, technically second hand, but new to us). I had a brief play around with it on Sunday while Phil (who was doing the sound for that day) was onstage performing. We now have one of these, which is a huge step up from the one we had, so I am looking forward to using the new desk in a full band environment, doing the sound for a two vocals and guitar isn’t exactly challenging. I may well be doing every Wednesday night from now on, which would be nice as it’s an extra £100+ per month. Which will allow me to leave the money in my bank account, and maybe even save a little money. Also today, I bought some new DVD’s as I have some disposable income this month now as my Telewest bill isn’t due until the 18th and I get paid on the 15th + I have an extra two days of overtime, so that’s an extra £60 which covers the bill! The DVD’s I bought were all sequels to DVD’s I already own, Jeepers Creepers 2, Final Destination 2 and Scary Movie 3. I didn’t think that I had seen Final Destination 2, but when I started watching it, I realised that I had seen it, but for the life of me I cant think where and when, oh well, it’s a good film, and it only cost me £8 as did the rest of the DVD’s, so that’s a result as far as I am concerned!

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