An update on general stuff then, my ADSL connection is now up and running, infact it’s been running since Saturday, when the ADSL router arrived at my Dad’s address. Just as well that he was in at the time as it wasn’t supposed to be delivered until today. My idea of bundling both my ADSL and cable connections went up in smoke, for two reasons, Windblows refuses to give the second network card in my machine an IRQ, claiming that there is a conflict, which is bollocks as there is 4 IRQ’s free (as I don’t use any of my parallel or serial ports) for the card to use. Normally I would use a different PCI slot (which usually solves those type of problems), but that’s not an option as I don’t have anymore spare PCI slots. And secondly it seems that because each connection has its own IP address, it takes the fastest route out, which is the ADSL, so the cable has to go, just as well as I cant really justify the cost of both. Saturday night I went out and got really pished, didn’t intend to get pished, it sort of just happened, and I have several new numbers in my mobile, for people who I have no recollection of speaking to, it was a very good night out though, really enjoyed it, just a shame that I was in the Phoenix in the morning recording with Redemption Unnamed, producing an album with a hangover isn’t good. Anyway, we managed to get 8 tracks recorded and they are sounding pretty good, and that’s before it has been mixed and mastered, we will be doing that in the coming weeks.
Well, that sums up my weekend in a nutshell, watch this space for more!