Yesterday I was working as normal in Derrys, nothing unusual about that, but the return of that killer toothache is upon me again, this time it’s a different tooth. Damn I wish I looked after my teeth better when I was younger now. I was popping Nurofen like they were sweets, eight in a six hour period of work, although it felt like a lot longer. Then straight after that I went to the Phoenix, as I was filling in for Phil who managed to double book himself. Although I didn’t mind two much as it was a rock n’ roll night, so nothing was too loud, and I had a new desk to test out. It was pretty old, but it was a damn good desk, everything sounded so much better, despite the odd labelling, with zero db being at the top of the fader levels, which is odd to say the least, so I ran the desk at -10 db all night, to allow for a little overhead if needed, which wasn’t for a change. Anyway, back to the toothache, I popped another six pills while at the Phoenix, so much for not exceeding more than six tablets every 24 hours, I had taken double that in half the time, and it still hurt like hell. At one point I almost said to the landlord that I would set up the headline band and go home as I was in that much pain. It’s really hard to concentrate when you are in extreme pain, and dental pain is the most painful thing I have experienced to date! I am supposed to be doing the sound tonight as well, but I may call in a cancel that as I don’t think I can cope with an extreme metal night with a toothache, because it would end in me ripping someones head off if they moaned about the sound at all, irritable would be the best way to describe my mood at the moment, and no amount of painkillers seems to solve that!