
The photography bug…

Today, I have been wanting to get back into photography after a week away from even so much as touching the camera. Seems that I needed a break, before the break I didn’t have the motivation to take pictures and went to the Phoenix to take pictures because I felt that I should do it for the community, which isn’t the right motive really! I was toying with the idea of going to a gig in The Junction pub down the road from me tonight to take some snaps, but I am not sure I want to get back into gig photography; I would rather get out and about to take some shots of the real world, especially as we are now in the summertime, even some wildlife photography, but living in a reasonably big city I don’t have a lot of opportunity to do that sort of photography. It’s a great shame that I don’t have a car so I can get up on Dartmoor as I know I could get some great shots up there, its spectacular scenery up in them there parts! But what I really want to do is some night time photography as that would test my skills to the maximum, as I haven’t really had much experience of that sort of photo taking, but will be really rewarding when (not if) I get it right!

That’s about all I have to say for the moment, I am all ranted out about Formula One, so I shall leave that alone. But I have some good news, or bad news depending on how you look at it. Tomas, a.k.a. RedAxe, The Mad Axeman, is coming back to the UK to terrorise the locals, so my advice is stay home, hide behind the sofa, and lock up your daughters, ah screw that, bring your daughter… … (sing along now, you know you want to?).

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