
America never ceases to amaze me!

I have just read that the US congress has ordered a federal investigation into hidden sex scenes in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Big fucking deal, get a life, it’s a game, nothing more, nothing less, why even bother worrying about it. It’s only people that are easily offended and moral crusaders that give a fuck. Most of the rest of the world, just sees it as a bit of fun, its nothing that you don’t see on TV every day, can’t speak for America, but it’s a nightly event to have fairly explicit acts of sex on primetime TV, and just about every Hollywood 15 – 18 classification movie made in the last twenty years. But of course because it’s in a game, it will corrupt the nation, all they need to do is slap an (18) sticker on the cover and be done with it. Let’s face it; most 12 year olds know more about sex than I do and I am 28 years old! So why worry about a load of pixels getting it on in a game! The stupid thing is that many American chain stores have removed the best selling game from their shelves, a bit of an overreaction don’t you think? But this is America after all!

In other news, the Mad Axeman is in the UK, currently terrorising Dudley near Birmingham under the guise of helping a friend create a website, bet he’s in a pub right now! Anyway I was informed today that he’s heading my way on Friday, so I have 2 days to forewarn the people of Plymouth of his impending arrival, and the first person he will meet is my father, as I will be in work at the time, so my father will be letting him into my flat, then Tomas will be left to his own devices for a couple of hours before I get home from work.

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