
Free stuff is cool!

Today I get a letter from Telewest concerning my TV package, of course I am thinking that it’s going to be a price rise, but to my surprise it wasn’t! I was actually telling me about a new service called Teleport, similar to SKY+, but without the record function. Even better they are reducing the price by £4.50 as well, so more features for less money, sounds pretty good to me. I am quite excited about this being enabled, apparently it will be enabled at my address between the 5th and 10th October. I have also just read about the old 4Mb internet service being upgraded to 10Mb with 384Kb upload speeds, and not only that, it will only cost £35 per month, same as what I paid for the old 2Mb service before cancelling it due to unreliability, and now I am seriously tempted to switch back, but there’s a slight problem with being locked into a 12 month contract with BT, which expires mid May 2006, so I would have to pay for both services, and of course I still have the niggling fear that the Telewest service would still be flaky like before, temptations = bad!

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