I have been looking into getting a new mobile phone yet again as my current phone is falling apart on me, despite only being about seven months old, guess it doesn’t like being drowned in water too much as its in my pocket while working, and because of the nature of my job, it’s bound to get wet! Anyway, the Sony Ericsson K700i needs to go, and I am considering the new iTunes based Motorola ROKR E1, it’s not cheap at £180, on T-Mobile PAYG, but I have never been known to buy cheap phones, although I might as well as I keep breaking them. Ironically the cheapest phone I ever bought at £70 was the hardest wearing phone I have ever owned, and I ditched that for something that cost twice as much and died within 3 months, just shows that paying more isn’t always better! I have been looking around at contract phones, but decided against it as it’s not worth paying £30 – £40 per month for a load of minutes and texts that will mainly be unused. The idea behind buying the ROKR is that I won’t need a separate MP3 player, as the ROKR comes with a 512MB memory card, which is four times as much storage as my current MP3 player. It would have been great if it was available on Virgin Mobile as I would like to keep my current number, but it’s not, at least not at the moment, but its not a major hassle, as too many people know my current number, and quite a few of them I rather not have my number now. Even though I rather not change number as I have had the same number for the last 5 years, so it would be a pain to change, so if I get the phone I will need to get it unlocked!
Update: I have decided to go contract with Orange, its £20 per month for 100 minutes and 100 texts, including line rental, and I get the phone I want for free, and I get the option to upgrade the phone every 12 months. Although I don’t get the data cable so I will need to pop into the orange shop assuming that I get accepted after the credit check, which isn’t a formality as I have some bad credit history because my brother used my name and fucked up my credit rating, so hopefully I will be accepted, and I get to keep my number!