
It was bound to happen eventually

I have finally been caught for not having a TV licence after eight or so years, I don’t like having to pay for a TV licence when I watch so little TV, and hardly any BBC programmes. They haven’t made much that interests me over the years, the shining exception to that is Red Dwarf (which incidentally the BBC rejected originally, it only came to air because Paul Jackson of BBC Manchester put his neck on the line for it). So I now need to make 5 monthly payments of £25.30, which isn’t that much, it just means one less night in the pub each month, but it’s still a bitch having to pay out more money for nothing. A year ago I would have ignored it and let them take out a CCJ against me, but I can’t afford that with the new contract phone with Orange and a new credit card coming soon. Speaking of the credit card, they have returned the documents that I sent as proof of address, with a compliments slip saying “thank you for sending this information; we will contact you within 10 days”. I am starting to doubt that they will accept me now as it seems to be taking an awfully long time to process, hopefully it should be alright as they have already said I have been provisionally accepted, pending proof of address. If it doesn’t come through it will put a big dent in my plans as I do most things over the internet, and since I can’t have a debit card, a credit card is my only option! That’s about it for this update, life hasn’t been very eventful over the past few days, and I am not feeling too well, so I have pulled out of the next two gigs at the Phoenix, which ties in nicely as Rich (one of the other engineers) is a little short this month, so he was happy to take the two gigs off my hands; I really don’t feel up to much at the moment, its enough effort to go to my day job without adding more pressure! If I am being totally honest, I have lost interest in engineering after the news that the Phoenix is changing hands. Phil has a grand idea to convince whatshisname from Dance Academy to take on the existing engineers, but I dont see myself being interested, unless he was willing to pay £50 per night, which I dont see happening; even then I doubt I’d be interested!

I wonder what the Japanese will think of next? – Beats reading the newspaper I guess…

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