
The last couple of days

Have been pretty ordinary, but there are a few things that annoyed and pleased me. Let’s start with the annoyances, I was engineering the Rectal Haemorrhage gig at the Phoenix on Wednesday, and I thought sounded great, as did all the bands. It was very loud, but it’s a live gig, and there were enough people in the house to justify the volume, and I wasn’t pushing the system as hard as I could either. But the annoying thing was that the drummer from Rectal decided to have a go at the engineers of the Phoenix, and I quote “the Phoenix has a really good reputation as a live venue, but the engineers are rubbish” – Apparently he is a trainee engineer, and he already thinks he knows better than engineers that have worked in the field for some time. In my experience, engineers that think they are better than their peers are the ones that aren’t very good because they think they know it all and are not willing to learn from other engineers. But it pissed me off non-the-less, I know that I shouldn’t let it get to me as I know I did a good job and all the bands appreciated it, even the other members of Rectal Haemorrhage. Although he didn’t say it to my face, just as well as I would have given him a mouthful as he has no right to criticise as he’s never engineered in the Phoenix and doesn’t have a clue about the characteristics of the room, which aren’t good, just ask anyone that has engineered in the Phoenix! Of course this is going to get back to me, it’s a small world when it comes to the live music community in Plymouth, other than that, it was a great night, and Grifter rocked the foundations once again, even Cretinous Breed and Schiztome sounded spot on tonight, best sound for a metal gig I have done, so was very happy, and that was while I was drinking as well, so maybe I engineer better after a few beers! Anyway, onto something more positive, the love interest in Derrys, something I thought was dead and buried seems that something may come of it after all. We are more alike than I realised, not musically, but personality wise, but she has really low self esteem at the moment, pretty much like me, but I tend to brush things off, but she takes things to heart. It really does piss me off that people have nothing better to do than put people like her down because she doesn’t conform to the typical women stereotype, if those stupid small minded arses can’t see past the physical, then they are the ones missing out, as she is a warm caring person, who deserves the respect she’s due! Anyway, back to the subject, we are going to go for a drink next Thursday, I don’t expect anything to happen straight away, but it’s a start, I have been afraid to ask her out for a drink previously for the fear of rejection, but based on what she told me tonight, I just asked her, it was meant to be tonight, but next Thursday will be fine, I hope it does work out as I think that we could be good for each other; but I am not going to get my hopes up too much to be rejected again!

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