After revoking the orange juice, then the free coffee and lunch time meals, now they have gone the whole hog and stopped the staff from sitting in the restaurant during breaks or lunchtimes unless we buy a drink or a meal. How fucking petty can they get… actually I dare not ask, they’ll probably charge us for the air we breathe in the shop, claiming that it’s the property of the store. Even the supervisors are pissed off about the withdrawal of free coffee/tea in breaks, and even more so as they can’t even sit down for 20 minutes without paying £1.25 for a cup of coffee/tea, yes that’s right, you heard me right! And we are not even allowed out of the building for breaks (which are a legal requirement, as the law states that an employee needs a break for every four hours worked) so we can’t even go to the portable coffee bar just outside of work, which charges 50p for a coffee, which is more sensible, I refuse to pay more than £1 for a bloody coffee! Also today, more bad news, nothing to do with work but more taxing issues, literally, council tax to be precise. £823.20, that’s £82 per month, that’s on top of what I pay income tax and national insurance, so I am paying more than £160 in fucking tax each month, fucking robbing bastards. Let’s break this down, I earn just over £10,000 per year, and just over £1800 is tax, so 20% of all my earnings going to the government for services are rarely use, how often do I need a policeman for example, and then there’s never one around when you want one. Healthcare, I haven’t been to see a doctor in my adult life, same goes for hospitals. Why do I even bother working? I lose a week’s wages in tax every 4 weeks, that’s bloody daylight robbery, and if I don’t pay the damn council tax I am branded the criminal! Don’t even get me started on the government pushing for people to get private health plans, but they still want us to pay national insurance, I FUCKING HATE THIS COUNTRY!
Additional: ARGH!!! Orange just took £50 from my account without so much as a bill, infact I don’t even know my account number yet, their website email form doesn’t allow for questions about billing, and I can’t seem to find an option on the orange telephone customer support to talk to someone about it. This is getting ridiculous; I’ve had the phone nearly 3 months and not a single letter from Orange, they say that I can check my bills online in ‘my account’ but I cant log in because I don’t have my customer account number. I’m starting to think that I should have just stayed PAYG on Virgin and kept my old number, because this has inconvenienced me seriously as I will now go overdrawn (and will be charged £20 by the bank for the privilege) as I didn’t budget for this as I haven’t had any bills or correspondence from Orange. I feel like I am banging my head against a brick wall!