And that urge is to get back behind the sound desk again, its been three weeks, and although the break away has been good, I am getting itchy fingers again, and nowhere to ply my trade. I have been networking at the few gigs I have been to about engineering some gigs, leaving my number with the owner/managers of these establishments, but no calls as yet for my services. The problem I face is that I am not at Deep Blue Sound, where there are a million sound engineering trainees, who tend to get the gigs in Plymouth despite not actually having any practical experience of engineering a live gig, just because they are training with a recognised studio. I am one of the few that learnt on the job, so the theory goes out the window in many cases, I may not know all the technical jargon, or know all the theory, but I know what sounds good and how to get a good sound. From my experience, the Deep Blue people know all the theory and terminology, but don’t have a clue when things don’t go exactly to plan, which happens more often than not in a live sound situation. Guess I will have to make myself more active in going to gigs to promote myself; I would even be willing to do a free night for a venue to prove I know what I am doing. I don’t know what else to write about really, this week has been so incredibly boring that I have nothing to rant about, which has to be a first in it’s self, so I best sign off from this entry!