

Something I forgot to add in yesterday’s entry, I had to buy myself a new DVD player as my old one, which is now seven years old incidentally is having problems playing newer DVD’s; stuttering and skipping whole chapters at times. Initially I thought that it was a dodgy DVD, so I tried it in my DVD-ROM drive and PS2, and it worked perfectly in both, so it had to be the DVD player itself. So I picked up a Sony DVP-NS29 for £40 in Argos, which is a full £200 less than I paid for the old one. And even more amazing is that it has even more features, and allows for playback of CD-R/RW, and DVD-R/RW and also supports mp3 discs, and obviously DVDs. It doesn’t have as many connections at the back as the old one, but it has the connections I need, digital coaxial out and scart socket, also composite and stereo out. So I am very happy with the new purchase and amazed at the price, just shows how quickly technology becomes old and the prices drop drastically, you’d expect a Sony DVD player to cost more than £40 especially as Bush are offering DVD players at a similar price.

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