After the recent bullshit with the neighbours I have decided to move home again. Although it’s also fuelled by a desire to reduce my outgoings as more than £650 per month is going out on bills at the moment. I will be moving into a three bedroom house with Stephen and his work colleague Nick, which will bring my costs down to below £400 which will make a huge difference to my finances. For the last few months I have been seriously short of money come the end of the month, after Wednesday I won’t have any money in my account after the rent is taken out. Although I have cancelled that standing order now as I plan to be out of this flat before the week is out, and since I have paid one month in advance rent, I have until the 3rd of May to hand the keys back to the agency. The move is also because its lonely sat in a flat on my own, hence I go out drinking more, but if I am sharing a house with like minded people, I won’t get so bored of sitting around. Stephen also has table tennis and a pool table, plus between us we have multiple computers, PS2’s, and X-Box’s, so we should find plenty to do, I feel some serious network gaming coming on, although this means that I will be offline for about a week, but I can live with that. The house isn’t too far from work, it’s only another 0.9 miles further away than I am now from work, albeit in opposite directions. I was thinking of buying myself a mountain bike to ride to work, 2.2 miles shouldn’t take too long on a bike. I am quite excited about the move, although I need to do a load of calling around to cancel Telewest and BT phone and Internet, and tell South West Water that I am moving out and cancel my TV licence as I won’t need one in the new house. I should be able to save £250 – £300 per month on what I am paying now, which can only be a good thing! Anyway, this will be my last entry from Clifton Place, the next entry with be from Station Road, see you on the other side; oh I will be on a 10Mb connection as well in the new house, 10Mb shared between 3 people should be enough me thinks!