I have an overwhelming urge to order a load of goodies to get this new mobo I acquired yesterday up and running. I have an AMD 64 3200+, 2x1GB sticks of DDR333, X1600 Pro PCIe card and finally a set of Creative Inspire T3030 speakers in my Dabs.com wishlist. But the problem is that I don’t have the funds right now, but I know my dad does and since I would be using his debit card to order these items and I have his details logged into my dabs.com account, its all too tempting! But I really must resist the urge as I shouldn’t spend out of control until I have the funds available in my account to transfer over to his account! But it will be some system when it’s built, it won’t have the most cutting edge processor, not even the one I originally thought of, but it’s still an upgrade of 1.2Ghz in operational speed over my current CPU; but it has plenty of RAM, 4GB to be exact (which is more important these days) and a kick ass graphics card, which I want to add another identical graphics card to enable the Crossfire feature of the board, which should make for some spectacular gaming. I have decided to downgrade the speaker system as I don’t use the 5.1 capability of the current speakers, using it as a 2.1 system at the moment, so downgrading to a true 2.1 system would be more beneficial to me. Then I could sell on the 5.1 system to someone that would actually use it as it was intended to be used! It’s true what they say about boys and their toys, we never grow out of them, the toys just get more expensive!