
Something is going right for a change!

I have cleared off all the debts from the old flat now, so I should start to have more money to spend this month, although I still owe my dad over £600; but I can pay that off in my own time as he isn’t going to take to me court over it like South West Water and Telewest would have done. I have to say that I love online banking, makes everything so much easier, especially as the bastard bank won’t give me a debit card. Oh speaking of banks, the Cooperative Bank turned me down flat, although they did offer me an account exactly the same as what I already have, but what’s the point in that? So that’s another bank that is on my blacklist in future, they only get one chance before I blacklist them! I have also paid up all my living costs for the month apart from the TV licence and Orange, which will be around £53. So after everything I will be left with £158; plus I have another £175 coming my way two weeks from today in working tax credits, so my finances are in reasonably good shape at the moment, hopefully I can capitalise on that; pay my dad off as soon as possible and start saving some cash as I have decided to cut right back on the nights out, especially clubs which cost a fortune! Oh speaking of Orange; I have finally sorted out my billing issues with them, and changed my address at the same time, so the bill (which they swear they were sending to the old address) will be sent here instead, and I finally know my account number, and have signed up to their online system; so I can make changes quickly and easily, which is good as I don’t have to deal with call centres. So just for a change I am reasonably happy; although not being able to sleep isn’t so good; hence the posting of this at half three in the morning, I was even more surprised that Orange has people in their call centres working at 3am, which is a nice bonus as I didn’t get stuck in a massive queue as I would have done during the daytime! Anyway, best try to get some sleep, need to be in work at 10:30am, which isn’t too bad really, although they have put me 10:30am to 5pm on Saturday, which is annoying as I was rostered on to work 9:30am – 4pm, which would have meant I could have made a dash to the nearest pub to catch the last 30 minutes of the FA cup final, but that idea is sunk now, so I am going to record it and cross my fingers that I don’t hear the result before I get home to watch it, which is a long shot, as I know way too many Liverpool fans, anyway; I’m going to stop rambling now, and get some sleep!

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