…on going away this weekend to Stephen’s mothers’ caravan in Looe, Cornwall (only this time it’ll be quieter, as I wont have Tomas snoring all night) as I have a long weekend, but things maybe scuppered because my employers have a cut off time to hand in new bank details of Tuesday on the week of payday. I couldn’t get the details in early enough as I only found out yesterday and I had to fill out a form, and the details I needed was the on wage slip from last month, which bizarrely enough I don’t carry around with me. So the wages have been sent to the Nationwide account, which may well be closed come Friday morning when the wages arrives in the account, which in turn means the payment will bounce back to the Co-op. Then they will issue me with a cheque for the wage amount, but that still needs to be deposited into the Abbey account, and will take a further week to clear, so my wages may not be available for another two weeks, which isn’t good to say the least as I have a direct debit coming out on the 23rd. I am hoping that the Nationwide account will still be open to accept the incoming transfer, then transfer all the money out into the Abbey account, with the exception of £100 which pays for that new motherboard and £50 for myself to spend on the trip away (assuming everything works out financially). My life is rarely simple, as you can clearly see; even the simplest of things go wrong for me!