I have been video chatting with Lindsey on-line for the last couple of days and I feel much more comfortable about things now. It has brought her much closer to me, typing messages into an instant messaging client isn’t the same as seeing/hearing that person. It’s great to be able to see her reactions to things I say; something that doesn’t come through when typing messages as I couldn’t see her, but she could see me. It’s all those little facial expressions that she makes all the time, she just can’t help but smile when I just sit there and watch her, all these things just confirm my feelings about her. Everything is more natural while talking over the internet, I don’t feel that I have to force myself to say something because of the escalating cost of the phone call! There was something that confused me though, on her Myspace profile; in one those Myspace survey things; to the question “are you in love?”; she answered yes. I asked her whether she meant it; and she told me “maybe”; I would love for her to say that she loves me, but I don’t want to push her into it, but I hope it will come; in time! I always get the feeling that she is testing me, asking me questions trying to get me to say something that I don’t like about her, I love everything about her, I don’t care that she falls into the BBW (Big Beautiful Woman) category or even that she lives in America, none of that matters, I have fallen for the woman inside, although the outside is pretty damn hot as well, I like a woman to have a few curves! I know that she does read this blog, but I am writing this because I want to tell the world how much I love Lindsey, I don’t want to hide her away because she isn’t the perfect size 8, or American; I can see past all that! I know that she is scared of what might happen, whether I am genuine; hell I am just as scared; I am considering moving to America! But I can’t bare to give up a chance to find everylasting love because of a little thing called the Atlantic Ocean; I believe that she feels the same!