That’s how I feel without a mobile phone, it’s not that I miss that specific phone, it had loads of little annoying quirks that bugged the hell out of me. There’s lots of little things that I miss like knowing what time it is; I don’t wear a watch and using the camera flash as a light so I can see what knob I am turning in work. The last two gigs I have been guessing my settings as I can’t see what any of the knobs are indicating, everything has been done aurally without visual assistance. Speaking of mobile phones, Orange are useless, I ordered a new phone on Saturday, I get a message from them saying that I haven’t filled in certain details about my addresses over the last three years. I try to send them the relevant info that I had already put into the online order form, but it comes back with a mailer daemon stating that the address doesn’t exist. I phone up Orange to find out what the hell is going on, and they don’t seem to talk to each other as the web sales have no relation to the phone sales team. It’s a classic case of the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing, if I was running the company I would want to web sales and phone/retail sales linked into the same system. So the net result is that I have upgraded my phone to a Sony Ericsson K800i and package to Canary 30… whatever that means; 200 texts and 350 inclusive minutes, and I got a £3 per month reduction in price, so it’s only costing me £27 per month.
Plymouth Argyle put an end to their three game losing streak on their return to Home Park comprehensively beating Leicester 3 – 0 which is pleasing for the Green Army after all the recent disappointment. Peter Halmosi scored his second goal in two games to open the scoring in the 15th minute after some determined play from Barry Hayles to deliver the ball to Halmosi’s feet. Sylvan Ebanks-Blake doubled Argyle’s lead seconds after the restart pouncing on a Leicester defensive mix up. Provider of the first goal Barry Hayles turned goal scorer in the 62nd minute to put the result beyond doubt with a superb far post header to defeat the Leicester keeper for the third time. This win puts Argyle back up to 13th in the league, let’s hope that Argyle can have a strong finish to the season to finish in the top half of the table beating last years 13th place in the Championship; fingers and toes crossed!