It’s less than 21 hour until Ali arrives in Plymouth and to say I am excited is an understatement and a half. I have all sorts of emotions going through me at the moment, fear of rejection, nervousness but most of all excitement. I know in my heart things will work out just fine, and I know she has all the same hopes and fears, it’s almost like a first date for both of us just that we know each other quite well already. I know that when I see her step off the train onto the platform my heart is going to melt, I already love everything about her and have indeed seen everything of her as she has of me and already shared some intimate moments together. Last night we just kept talking until she fell asleep, I could hear her breathing as she drifted off to sleep listening to my voice, I can’t wait for that to happen with her next to me tomorrow night. I am going to clean the bathroom and toilet as no fucker else bothers to clean anything in this house and I have fallen into the “why should I be the only one to clean anything?” attitude. I know Ali wants to be able to take a bath, and frankly I wouldn’t let a dog take a bath in that tub, its disgusting, it looks like the tiles and bathtub hasn’t been cleaned for months, it’s been like that every since I moved into this house! I am very tempted to take Ali to a hotel for three nights as this house is a joke. Last night there was a party upstairs, a dozen people up and down the stairs slamming doors and shouting at each other, loud music and more. I wasn’t best pleased as I was actually asleep before they all piled in at 1:30am, then I couldn’t get back to sleep until 7am, much to my frustration; at least I got to chat with Jill and everything is OK with her again, which has made me feel much better about things. I find the people in this house to be completely inconsiderate, when you live in a shared house you have to respect other people’s peace and quiet, especially late at night. I am really thinking of cutting my loses here and moving to Manchester with Ali until we both decide to move back to the South West as Ali wants to live in Devon or Cornwall by the sea. I don’t even enjoy work as much any more, Ali has changed my feelings about everything, I just want a 9 – 5 again now and be able to come home to Ali every night, I crave that lifestyle. As long as I was with Ali I could do any job even if I hated it knowing that I would be coming home to spend the evening with Ali.