And today has been another one of those disappointing days. Teri the woman I met last Tuesday through myspace has pretty much said she can’t trust me. All because of something that was said to her on Friday about me, but still wanted to meet up in the same place as last week despite already making arrangements to take a trip out the city, she wanted to start over again, instead of continuing from where we left off last week. I could see this happening time and time again, I would rather not get into a ground-hog day situation, I have enough complications in my life already. I basically said to her that there is no point in even perusing a friendship because she will never be able to trust me because of her own prejudicial views towards men in general. I have been completely straight and honest about my feelings towards her which extend no further than friendship, but that friendship is never going to work if she can’t trust me. If it was something that I had done then fair enough, but I am pissed off because this happened because of someone else stirring the shit. I would still like to pursue friendship with Teri, but I fear that when we have so many common [let’s say] acquaintances and her hangups about men; it’s going to be an impossibility. Especially when she knows my brother and his biker mates who I really don’t get on with, all been documented in the archives if you want to take the time to read about it! It does make me wonder if a fresh start elsewhere would be beneficial to me. I am not a naturally extroverted person, I find it hard to strike up a conversation in person easily, online is much easier as I can be as anonymous as I want to be and have that safety net! Anyway, I have deleted my Faceparty and Myspace accounts, Myspace has caused me more hurt than anything else, and Faceparty is a complete joke, it’s turned into a haven for spam and pornographic profiles. Guess it’s time to take a step back and take stock of what I want to do with my life, my existence at the moment is almost a non-existence, when the thing I enjoy most in my life is work, there’s something not right with my life right now!