
Surreal World!

Last night I went down to Voodoo to see Lemanis practice for the gig tonight that I will be engineering, which should be interesting, it’s either going to be the best gig ever or a complete catastrophe. But it’ll work out somehow, it always does when Lemanis play despite a complete lack of practice, they always manage to pull it out of the bag on the night. It’s going to be a challenge from a sound engineering point of view as well, but I have a little helper tonight called Emily who worked briefly at the Phoenix as an engineer a couple of years back. I am certainly not going to be drinking tonight, it’s not like an ordinary metal night where the only requisite is to be loud and heavy. I am happy that Emily will be there as my hearing probably isn’t the best at the moment after two nights of loud night clubs. Anyway, back to last night, I went to the Quay Club for the first time in the best part of three years and it appears that most of the people I knew there before have moved on or maybe they’ve gone to Download Festival. Anyway, after standing around for an hour or so, downing drink after drink I finally bumped into some people I knew, then about half hour I met two women, who were rather drunk to say the least, the older one was trying to set the younger one up and suddenly I became the authoritative judge of men, so she didn’t go home with the wrong guy. I don’t know how this happened really, I was on my way to the toilet when I saw Matt who had been snared by these two women, and I got dragged in and Matt made his escape. Then the older one decided to start giving me relationship advice for no apparent reason, the younger one was grabbing pretty much every guy that walked past. I had no intentions of taking either one home, simply because I am not into that sort of person that gets drunk and makes a pass at anyone in trousers. But it made the night interesting, they wandered off towards town and I happened to be going the same way on my way home and the younger one fell over because she was drunk and wearing high heels (not a good combination) so naturally I picked her up being the gentleman I am. They wanted to keep on drinking, but didn’t want to walk up North Hill to the Scholar as nothing in town was open after 2am on Thursday nights. Eventually I left them at a cash point where they could get a taxi home and went home myself, I had no intention of going out anywhere else on the night, I knew I had enough to drink, although I wasn’t really drunk, a little tipsy probably, which makes a change for me in recent weeks!

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