Why did I go out last night to JFK’s? I knew that I needed to save the money back for food and rent, and yet I still spent 40 quid on beer and burgers, so I might as well have not even worked last night as I have nothing to show for it. Now I have to find £200 in the next seven days to cover the rent and somehow manage to survive a week without eating, this is where the rock n’ roll, take away lifestyle is going to bite me on the ass. I desperately need to change my ways, this is destroying me completely, especially the drinking; which is a way to escape my pain for a night. I need to start buying food in, and cut back on my drinking, maybe it would be sensible to get Sky TV installed, so I have something to watch instead of going out pissing my money against the wall! I know that I need to deal with my pain in a better way, but working in a bar environment makes it so easy to drink, which is why I am thinking maybe it’s time to give up on sound engineering and get a 9 -5 job to remove the temptation to drink. But on the flip side of that I love sound engineering, it’s one of the few things that I am enjoying about life at the moment, but I fear that may be the only way to resist the temptation of drinking as I don’t think about drinking when I am at home!
I read this article on the BBC News website and I find it strange and disturbing. Fattening up little girls and women so they are more desirable to men, force feeding young girls, I find that totally unacceptable. I know that I like the larger lady, but I like them for who they are; not what they have been forced to become. Luckily things are changing, attitudes are changing amongst the younger generation, they no longer see being fat as a sign of wealth or desirability, which can only be a good thing, but these “fat farms” is unacceptable in this day and age, no-one should be forced into something they don’t want to do!