
Seven Days!

Until the end of the month and guess what?… I find myself in the position of having to find a large chunk of money to make the rent this month again. Again it’s my own fault, I spent Friday night at JFK’s then stupidly went to Ride afterwards spending another £40. Guess Lucy was right when she said I shouldn’t be drinking when she saw me at Voodoo on Friday especially as I was working an experimental pre-JFK’s warm-up DJ night that didn’t really work. I couldn’t bring myself to take money off Phil for that as he didn’t make any money over the weekend from the gigs, which doesn’t help my financial situation, but Phil’s in the same boat really. I always wonder why on Earth I go to JFK’s I never really have a good time, maybe it’s the company, same shit, different day! I will just about be able to make the rent but it’ll be by the skin of my teeth and I may have to cancel that drink with Teri on Thursday, extreme budget restrictions this week unless Sky pay back the £30 they owe me for the installation that never happened! Last Friday’s gig getting cancelled last minute by the independent promoter has put me in this predicament as it was £50 that I had banked on, same thing happened last month, guess I should cover rent before I spend out on anything else, once I’ve covered bills then I can spend on what I want, again drinking has been my downfall, no excuses from me. Next month should be better for me financially as my bills won’t be as high, I have paid off all the chunky phone bills, the legacy of my relationship with Ali. My phone bill should be less than £30 this month as I wont be making many calls, 350 minutes and 200 texts is more than enough for me in an average month. Luckily because I took the option for Orange Internet through the Livebox, I can call American landlines for free, so calling Jill is no issue at all, which is a good thing! Speaking of which; I managed to have a chat with Jill on the phone for nearly an hour yesterday which was cool and she even made herself late for work just because she wanted to talk with me. I really do enjoy talking with Jill, we have so much in common, it’s a great shame we don’t live closer so we could spend some time together, 5000+ miles is a big obstacle to overcome, but never say never, anything could happen in this crazy world we live in!

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