Why the hell do I even bother? I have cancelled the satellite TV install completely, the second engineer came around to install the dish two weeks later and said he couldn’t do it because Sky didn’t provide him with big enough ladders to get onto the roof. What the hell are Sky playing at, the original engineer explained that it was an old Victorian house and would need a two man team to erect the dish on the chimney, yet they send a guy around with the same equipment as the previous engineer! The whole thing is very frustrating and basically I told Sky that I am not going to be messed about by them because they screwed up. I have been waiting more than 3 weeks for this install now and they couldn’t give me an install date and would have sent me a letter to confirm. This is the start of my get tough attitude about everything, if companies can’t keep their end of the bargain then that’s it, I gave them a second chance and they screwed it up. I can’t get Virgin Media either because of their stupid rule that they can only have one install per property even if it’s a multiple let property. Which leaves me with one option, having an aerial installed on the roof so that I can get Freeview, even that it going to cost the best part of £100 to have that installed. So I have to wait for Sky to refund my install fees so I can have an aerial put on the roof. I should have done that from the outset instead of fucking around with satellite TV installations. Freeview will be fine for me as most of the channels that I wanted satellite TV for are free-to-air now, so I can’t have Sky Sports and won’t be able to watch the cricket or football, but I also won’t have to pay £43.50 per month either. What can go wrong next? I have to stop drinking now because I am no longer earning money from open mic as I am losing the will to live doing that night, it’s more stress than anything else, so it looks like open mic will be canned unless Phil wants to do it. Satellite TV was a big part of my plan to stop drinking, seems that it wasn’t to be; suffice to say I am not a happy camper at the moment.
Additional: I am turning into a bastard, but being nice hasn’t got me anywhere in life apart from being used; I have to to say that Voodoo promoter Phil isn’t one of them. So I have spoken to Phil about Wednesday and he is going to ask the owner about making the night free entry and paying me the going rate of £40 for DJ’ing the night. I supply most of the music via my laptop and iPod, and there really is no need to have two DJ’s and if it’s free entry then there is no need for someone to sit on the door. Just for a change I am thinking about myself and what’s best for me, not what’s best for everyone else. I don’t mind doing a little promo for the night, like getting posters and flyers printed as I can see a definite tangible return. As horrible as it sounds, it’s about screwing over others to get ahead in life and I have finally realised that. You can guarantee people like Mark Williams didn’t get into the position he is now by being a nice guy even if outwardly he seems that way. It may pay off, it may not pay off, but I am not staying involved with the night as things stand. I don’t really feel bad about doing this as both Kelly and Steve have relatively easy lives, Kelly gets her rent and council tax paid for her and receives benefits on top for being a single mum. And Steve still lives with his parents and is claiming Jobseekers Allowance as well as working for Voodoo on the EF Language school DJ nights every Tuesday and Thursday. I’m the most financially unstable of everyone and I was consistently taking the least money from the night, yet I put in the most effort to make it all happen, but had stuck with it in the vain hope I would make some decent money from the night, it’s become very clear that isn’t going to happen. As a free entry event, it could be absolutely huge as the launch night proved, if the night attracted 150 people each night and each person spends £10, that’s £1500 taken at the bar, even if they only spend £5 each that’s £750 taken, then paying me £40 seems like a drop in the ocean; hopefully the owner can see it in the same way!