Monday was a reasonably good day, chilled out during the day time, played some computer games, rediscovered Half-Life 2 and downloaded some very good single player mods for Half-Life 2, namely Awakening and Minerva: Metastasis 2, both very polished games in themselves, the Minerva game is episodic, and I have to wait for the third instalment. I’ve been spending a lot of time gaming, I have slipped back into the gaming lifestyle so easily after hardly playing at all for years. But it’s all good, it means that I don’t drink as much and gaming doesn’t cost me anything! Monday night I worked the Orca Vs I Am The Door tour gig, which was pretty good if a little under attended, but it was a Monday night and it’s an over 18s venue only, so I am not that surprised but it was a good gig, I Am The Door impressed me more than Orca, both bands are very lively on-stage and put on a good show, but I thought that I Am The Door edged it in performance terms. The sound was generally good and apparently the bands were raving about me to Phil afterwards, which is always nice to hear that people appreciate the effort I put in to make them sound good given that I have three cones out of action at the moment, so the sound wasn’t perfect, but it sounded balanced, it just needed a bit more low end thump as it was more essence of kick drum than actual kick drum sound, but sadly I am limited by the equipment in house. Tuesday was a day of complete rest, apart from going out to get food, I didn’t leave the house all day, I completed HL2: Awakening, watched a little TV, some DVD’s and reinstalled Windows on this machine as little things stopped working, iTunes being the main one and it wouldn’t let me uninstall the application because Quicktime somehow managed to get corrupted. So rather than spend ages trying to fix it I just wiped the hard disk and started again, everything important was stored on my secondary hard disk, which makes reinstalling Windows a less painful process. The upside is that Windows is running lightning quick at the moment, but it’ll soon start to slow down as the hard disk starts to fill up with applications. Today I copied some music to my friend Stuart’s mp3 player, he doesn’t have a computer, but wanted a mp3 player so I said I would help him get some music on the mp3 player. I have downloaded and installed Open Office on my machine, it’s every bit as good as Microsoft Office just without the hugely inflated price tag as it’s completely free. I’ll install the rest of the applications as I require them, no point in installing software that I’ll never use. Again there’s no work for me tonight, I may pop down to Alternation to have a couple of beers and actually have a night out without having to work, but I will see how I feel nearer the time. Well thats about it, I have nothing to rant about, the last couple of days have been relaxing, the calm before the storm I think; I’m working Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, I would have been working Friday as well, but Phil decided he wanted to try his hand at engineering again, I can’t remember the last time he actually engineered a proper gig, normally he does acoustic and quieter gigs only, but he’ll have Le Chat Noir and The Shockwave Generators, both very loud two piece bands.