I have managed to trace where a huge chunk of the missing money has disappeared. It appears that I have managed to inadvertently pay Orange three times, so instead of paying £33.24, I paid them £99.72. There’s something really rather strange going on here, the first two attempts were rejected because my bank screwed up (which I still have to resolve) and the third attempt went through when I called customer services instead of using their automated system. But it seems that the first two attempts went through and didn’t actually fail as reported. I have called up Orange and they are going to refund me £66.48, which hopefully credits to my account before the 1st September. While I was checking my statement, I noticed that I have been charged overdraft fee’s again, but I was more than £80 in credit when charged, this is the second month in a row they have done that, and there is still nearly £15 unaccounted for, the bank owe me some answers I would say!