
Money Woes

This month, work is very thin on the ground and I am struggling financially, things are that bad that I can’t even afford to pay my £29 mobile phone bill at this time, let alone cover my rent in the next 16 days. I found out today that this Saturday’s gig has been cancelled by the promoter, so that’s £50 lost as that was the only day I would have worked this week with the Exception of Alternation club night last night. I’ve only worked five nights so far this month and a lot of that money earned went to cover the shortfall in last months rent. It looks like I only have three gigs on for the rest of the month plus two Wednesday nights and a babysitting DJs night, so basically I would be earning a maximum of £220, even if I worked both remaining open mic nights, that would only get me up to £280 and that’s only if I didn’t eat. Open mic nights are looking increasingly shaky at the moment with two local rival pubs opening open mic nights on Tuesday as well taking business away from the Voodoo Lounge, so I assume that the night is going to be canned very soon. It needs to be moved to another night, Sunday nights may be a good day to hold the night, almost like a acoustic Sunday chillout session! To cover all my costs this month, I need to earn £450, and £280 falls somewhat short of that target. This month it isn’t even my fault, I’ve haven’t been drinking at all, mainly due to having a new distraction of my lady friend from the other side of the Atlantic, I simply haven’t earned enough money to cover my cost of living.

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