After Friday’s fun, my actually birthday wasn’t so much fun. Work was OK, slightly frustrating because of the bands not arriving on time with the equipment as agreed, so we didn’t really start until 10:45pm, which directly contributed to what happened to me later on. But some of the bizarities (yes I know it’s not a real word) was that there was a new storage area built at the back of stage; then I realise that there was no way into this area because the people that built it elected to close the door and not screw a handle on to be able to get it reopened. So me and manager Pete are trying to get this door open while in total hysterics at the absurdity of the situation trying to get the equipment out that I would need for the gig. The sound wasn’t as good as it should have been as we were reduced to one subwoofer out of four, so the sound was a little bass light, but luckily the backline made up for that a little. The speaker blew on Wednesday night during my DJ night, it wasn’t even that loud; guess the speaker has simply had enough after having 3200 watts driven into a single speaker that is only designed to handle 1600 (or 800w in reality) where it should be driving two speakers per enclosure. Anyway, I’m straying from my point; I eventually got out of Voodoo shortly before 2am and made my usual trip to the kebab shop for some food. While in the shop I was approached by a guy that I didn’t initially recognise and he came across saying I had caused him a load of trouble; still not realising who the hell he was. Later; after he threatened me some more if he didn’t get his TV back; then suddenly the penny dropped. It was a guy called Liam who used to be a tenant in the house where I live and was evicted by the landlord after he pretty much pissed off everyone else in the house and didn’t pay the rent for 2 months before the landlord had enough. I tried to reason with him but he was too off his face on pills and alcohol to be reasoned with. I told him that Jon (the landlord) took his TV and he can have it back when he pays him the rent owes to him. I am starting to think that I am not going to get out of this without having to defend myself. I certainly wasn’t going to leave the kebab shop as I knew that I would be in trouble with him and his mates around, if he did anything in the kebab shop it would be on camera and I would have an easy case to prove. I really didn’t want to resort to violence as I fought hard for years to suppress my anger and wasn’t going to let a tosser like that turn me back into someone I didn’t like. Luckily it passed off without any violence, but it still shook me up a little, brought back bad memories of another incident years before. But he did threaten to take it out on the tenants of the house and even burn the house down if he didn’t get his TV back. He’s a big tough guy when he’s drunk, but confront him when sober it isn’t so tough. Jon (the landlord) already wants to batter him after all the problems that he has caused him, when I tell him about this in a few days time he is going to hit the roof! The TV was sat in the hallway for him to collect for two weeks but he was using the place as a storage place and was still coming in using the facilities taking what he wanted and leaving the rest. Jon had enough of his bullshit so changed the locks so he couldn’t get in and put all his stuff in the outdoors shed for him to collect but kept the TV until he paid up. If he just took his stuff when he was evicted then he wouldn’t have lost anything; this has really made me re-evaluate this situation; possibly making my move to the US sooner; I shouldn’t have to deal with this shit, it seems like its one thing after another. I could have gone to the police; but that would be a waste of time as they wouldn’t do anything as none of the kebab shop staff were willing to back me up despite hearing everything and it would be my word against his; god forbid that the police do anything useful in this country! Yet another reason to go to the US to be with Erin; who was there for me to talk to about it and calm me down!