
Probably for the first time ever…

I don’t want to engineer some gigs at Voodoo; first one will be on Thursday which is US chart band Boy Hits Car, not because I don’t think I am up to it; I know for sure that I am. But sadly the system isn’t upto it; you can guarantee that they’ll have a HUGE backline and with the system currently only half working it won’t be able to keep up and it will sound incredibly bass light without the subwoofers working. I’d rather not explain to their engineer how the subs aren’t working, you can almost guarantee they’ll have their own engineer. The system has been fucked on local bands and touring engineers not giving a damn about the system. Now we have a huge gig; likely to be a sell out; we barely have 50% of the system in action. And Friday night; it’s Crazy Arm who are insanely loud, especially their guitarist and despite all my efforts to convince him that turning down would be better for the overall sound, my pleas have fallen on deaf ears. I have sworn never to engineer another Crazy Arm gig and I have only ever done one and one gig for his previous band The Once Over Twice. They have a engineer that will almost certainly do their set if he isn’t working elsewhere, but that scares me even more as he runs the system hard consistently hitting the red ‘clip’ lights. Rob has categorically said he won’t engineer Crazy Arm and I seriously doubt that Phil will want to be in the building; let alone at the sound desk.

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