Well it had to happen sooner or later and it seems that it will be sooner, as soon as the end of this year. Equality minister (bollocks title to create more cabinet positions) Harriet Harman has signalled her intention to make employers discriminate against white men in favour of women and ethnic minorities (which is an offensive term in itself). Although I think that employers should employ the best person for the job regardless of sex, age or race; forcing employers into employing people just because or their sex or skin colour is ridiculous. It’s just discrimination in reverse, isolating the white man in order to allow more ethnic groups to find better employment. I agree that everyone should be on the same pay structure, a woman should be paid the same as a man if they do the same job, and the same applies for ethnic groups. I agree that everyone should have equal opportunities but employing someone because it’s in your mandate to employ a certain percentage of ethnic groups is total madness. Where will this damn pointless political correctness stop?