My wife is still suffering pain from the car wreck we had two months ago, we were rear ended by a student driving a Toyota Celica at a four way stop at approximately 25 – 30mph which also totalled our Ford Focus. I suggested to my wife that the chiropractic treatment she has been getting doesn’t seem to be working, two months down the line and she is still in the same amount of pain unless she takes a bucket load of painkillers to control the pain. Yesterday we went to get my wife an MRI scan to try to diagnose what is going on and it found that two of her vertebrae are protruding, she has another appointment on Monday to get a lumbar MRI done and to see a specialist doctor to find out what treatments are needed to repair the damage if any! We are now looking at getting legal representation as this injury is much worse than originally thought and a good payout by the other drivers insurance company should be forthcoming for two reasons, the amount of medical bills that will be amassed and the personal injury claim; the maximum payout the insurance will allow is $15,000 which seems like such a small amount for the injuries sustained!
Erin and I are starting to get somewhere now in the therapies our son Conner needs to help with him with his Autism. Conner starts attending speech therapies next week, twice weekly 30 minute sessions. We will also be getting Conner evaluated for occupational therepy next month so hopefully we’ll also have occupational therapy in place within the next 4 – 6 weeks. Conner really needs these therapies as the older he gets the harder it is to control him; for example he is very unresponsive to commands from us, generally living in his own world; we have to ask him several times before he will do it. He is constantly argumentative and throws a fit whenever he doesn’t get his way. Plus other things like not being able to concentrate on anything for more than a few seconds, also doesn’t seem to know when he needs to go to the bathroom; soiling himself at six years of age. Needs lots of help with personal care like brushing teeth and bathing, not because he cant; because he doesn’t want to! Erin and I are really hoping that these therapies will help him with the above and other issues he is experiencing so he can have as normal life as possible!
In sport; Liverpool have spent £23m on Ajax striker Luis Suarez, who was one of the stars that guided Uruguay to third place in the world cup! Meanwhile Liverpool turned down a £35m – £40m from Chelsea for Fernando Torres; Liverpool sent a clear message to potential suitors saying “the player is not for sale”. Between Torres and Suarez, Liverpool have a potent striking force!