A white American couple had a black baby, and the woman claimed she had become pregnant watching a 3D porno film. The child’s father Erik Johnson, a soldier had been away for a year, serving in a military base in Iraq, and on his return found the black baby at home. His wife Jennifer Stewart, 38 years old, told him the baby had been conceived while she had been watching a 3D porno film. I see no reason not to believe her as these 3D films are very lifelike. With the technology of today, everything is possible’ said Erik, who registered the baby as his. Jennifer said that she had gone to a porno cinema in New York with her girl friends. She had only gone this time to see how a porno looked with 3D effects. The child, she claimed, looked exactly like the black male lead in the film. “A month after watching the film I found I was pregnant. I am going to sue the cinema and the producers. Luckily my husband believes me. It could have wrecked my marriage, but he knows I am faithful to him.” … I really don’t know what to think, is this a joke or is this article serious? if true the husband must be a dumbass to believe that cock and bull story, she fancied a bit of big black cock and got pregnant!
I have actually been researching this article a little bit because it seems SO crazy! I was up in the air about whether or not it was true/real. I came across another site that was speaking of this same story, but had this at the beginning.. “A couple of days ago a Brazilian on-line newspaper Sensacionalista carried a fake story of a white American woman who claimed that she became pregnant to the black actor who was ‘performing’ in a 3D porn movie she watched.” So, my guess is that it’s not true?? But, then again, who knows WHO is telling the truth? Either way, this is just CRAZY!
Dude, holy shit you are retarded if you believe that stupid c*** you call your babies momma.
Please don’t let her go to any more 3D pornos. World can’t afford another dumb ass.
Surprised she didn’t try and convince you it was immaculate conception and she is giving birth to the next baby Jesus.
I just hope you are in the Air Force.
Good luck dumb ass.
LOL @ the commenter called “smart guy” – the only “dumb ass” here is you, because this article is 100% fake. I don’t know how any idiot could read it and actually think there was a chance of it being real. It’s such an obvious joke. All of the grammar errors alone should be your first tip off.
It’s scary now naive people are.
the satirical brazilian site Sensacionalista -a small onion-like publication grabbed a random chicks pic off google and this stupidity blew up internationally and has reached her. they har to issue an apology and ask that people stop contacting her. knowyourmeme and snopes covered this