My wife has taken a job at another apartment complex after spending almost five years at her current job, for a fresh start and more importantly separate our home from her job. As things stand, if she lost her job for whatever reason, we’d have to find somewhere else to live within three days, which is unacceptable when you have two kids to think about! Even now we only have 13 days to find somewhere as my wife handed in her notice yesterday, which could be a tough task!
The primary reason my wife is leaving is her current employment is because she is fed up being treated like crap by the management; she consistently gets blamed for things that other’s have done; or in some cases not done, or made to do pointless tasks when there is much more important work to be done; and then blamed for being late on the aforementioned important work. Worst of all, she is too damn nice and will rarely stand up for herself. Which goes back to our home being linked to her job, she doesn’t speak out because of the fear of losing her job and home!
Other things I will not miss about this property; the amount of gang issues, there has been multiple gun fights. Friends of residents breaking into homes and cars. Residents knocking on our door at all hours of the day and night because of petty squabbles with neighbours. Large groups of African American young men loitering around and there are police on the complex at least four times every damn week. I genuinely fear for the lives of myself and my family in what is; the Eastside ghetto!
So we need to get on with finding somewhere to live; we need something that is within our price range; no more than $900 pcm and to be available before the 25th June. We would also like three bedrooms and two bathrooms; so the kids can have separate rooms now that our daughter is fast approaching three years old! The budget isn’t the issue, the problem is finding somewhere that is available before our deadline date. We found a great place for $860 pcm but can’t take it because it’s not available until two days after we need to move out of our current home! We really don’t want to have to move everything into storage and stay with my mother-in-law for a few days, only to move everything out of storage into our new home days later, our budget wont stretch that far!
We are also limited to searching in a small area to be able to keep our autistic son in the same school that he has attended since Kindergarten, we already have everything set up for him to prosper in the coming school year, we don’t want to move to another area and another school! Our son’s future is paramount is any and all decisions we make, we want to see him continuing to improve and not lapse back because we have to start from scratch again, he doesn’t cope well with change!