
Bernie Ecclestone pays $100m to end bribery court case, Oh, the irony!

Yet again we see another example of how money can pervert the course of justice with a German court taking $100m to drop the court proceedings against F1 ringmaster Bernie Ecclestone.

You have to appreciate the irony of the situation, Ecclestone was up on bribery charges which could have seen him spend 10 years in a German jail, but he paid [bribed] the court to buy his freedom.

The $100m fine was offered in lieu of facing a guilty verdict on the grounds of Ecclestone’s advanced age and other [undisclosed] circumstances. I call bullshit on that, a $100m fine for someone with an estimated wealth of $4.2bn is pocket change, making a mockery of the legal justice system.

While Ecclestone walks away scot-free, a $100m fine really is a joke, Gerhard Gribkowsky, the man who the F1 supremo paid $44m to ensure that CVC Capital Partners got the nod over other companies to buy FOM (Formula One Management) was jailed for 8 1/2 years back in 2012.

What I find amazing is that Judge Peter Noll asked Ecclestone if you could raise $100m and deliver it within a week? Of course he can; his overall fortune is over 400 times that amount, it’s legal corruption at it’s finest. Former Justice Minister Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger agrees saying “it allows rich people to go free, whereas the less well-heeled could face prison.” It’s scandalous!!!

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