News & Opinion Archive
TRUMP! Exploiting Parents Grief For A Photo Op (Posted: October 16, 2019)
Florida School Shooting! The 18th School Shooting Of 2018! (Posted: February 15, 2018)
#NetNeutrality (Posted: July 13, 2017)
Justice Gorsuch Appointed To SCOTUS After GOP Go Nuclear! (Posted: April 10, 2017)
To Tip… Or Not To Tip (Posted: February 20, 2017)
GOP Draft Platform: A Time Warp Back To 1956 (Posted: July 16, 2016)
Two More Black Men Needlessly Killed By Police (Posted: July 7, 2016)
What Will It Take For These Elected Assholes To Take Action On Guns? (Posted: June 15, 2016)
Sanders “Twitterforce” trends #DropOutHillary with 400k+ Tweets! (Posted: May 5, 2016)
Common Sense Rules For Transgender Bathroom Usage… (Posted: April 29, 2016)
Thumbs Up For Target, Thumbs Down For #BoycottTarget’ers (Posted: April 25, 2016)
Cenk On A Plane, A Customer Relations Disaster (Posted: April 11, 2016)
Apple Refuses To Comply With Court Order To Unlock Terrorist iPhone (Posted: February 19, 2016)
Political Corruption, 1896 and 2016 (Posted: February 16, 2016)
Texas Grand Jury Exonerates Planned Parenthood… Indicts Activists! (Posted: January 26, 2016)
Legal Challenge To “In God We Trust” On US Currency (Posted: January 17, 2016)
Xbox, PSN, PC Game Micro Transactions Should Be Illegal (Posted: January 16, 2016)
Tamir Rice: Cops Not Indicted On Charges of Killing 12 Year Old (Posted: December 28, 2015)
#GunControlNow (Posted: December 4, 2015)
It’s Truly Disgusting How the Republican Presidential Candidates Have Hijacked the Paris Terrorist Attacks To Push Their Own Agendas. (Posted: November 28, 2015)
Kim Davis: Why has this woman not been fired or jailed? (Posted: September 1, 2015)
The “Marriage Equality” Battle Is Over, But The War Continues… (Posted: June 30, 2015)
Creationism Taught in Science Class, Are You F**king Kidding Me? (Posted: June 12, 2015)
Gov. Brownback Signs Bill That Allows Unlicensed Conceal & Carry (Posted: April 2, 2015)
RFRA, Enabling Discrimination Under The Name Of Religious Freedoms (Posted: )