
Politics Archive

Politically, I’m not as far left as I thought! (Posted: December 8, 2024)
My thoughts on the US election (Posted: November 29, 2024)
Republicans: democracy, we don’t believe in that! (Posted: April 6, 2023)
Kansas votes to reject constitutional amendment to ban abortion (Posted: August 7, 2022)
As expected, Roe Vs Wade overturned by SCOTUS (Posted: June 26, 2022)
“Not qualified” judge strikes down mask mandate on domestic flights (Posted: April 19, 2022)
The whitewashing of history is coming to Kansas! (Posted: February 19, 2022)
SCOTUS Justice Stephen Breyer to Retire (Posted: January 28, 2022)
Build, Back, Better… dead in the water! (Posted: December 19, 2021)
COVID-19: Public health should ALWAYS trump personal liberty (Posted: October 24, 2021)
Kansas Senators Roberts & Moran Response To My SCOTUS letter. (Posted: October 9, 2020)
R.I.P. Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Posted: September 18, 2020)
Trump Authoritarianism: How Far Will Democrats Allow Him To Go? (Posted: August 13, 2020)
Electoral Colleges – Time For Them To Go! (Posted: July 6, 2020)
My thoughts on the Dominic Cummings situation (Posted: May 26, 2020)
Rent Strike/Rent Cancelation Due To COVID-19 (Posted: May 3, 2020)
TRUMP! The Real Virus In America! (Posted: April 27, 2020)
It’s Over… But We Must Keep Fighting To Defeat The Democrat Elite (Posted: March 18, 2020)
The ‘Democratic’ Nation Committee, The Anti-Democratic Party (Posted: March 1, 2020)
Trump ‘Acquitted’ by Senate Republicans in Sham Impeachment Trial (Posted: February 5, 2020)
It’s December 15, 2019, D-Day For Sign Up To The ACA! (Posted: December 15, 2019)
TRUMP! Exploiting Parents Grief For A Photo Op (Posted: October 16, 2019)
Why Do American’s Fear Gun Regulation? (Posted: May 2, 2019)
Trump Defies Congress & The People On National Emergency with VETO (Posted: March 16, 2019)
Trump’s Fake National Emergency At The US’ Southern Border (Posted: February 16, 2019)